We are excited to add a new resource for those preparing and leading services. Thanks to the support of Rev Gereldine Leonard we now have full Orders of Services including sermons available for download. Gereldine is a retired Uniting Church Minister who currently lives in Nagambie, Victoria and is a leader in the Southern Lights Scattered Covenant Community; a creative expression of Christian community in small rural locations.
Each month Gereldine will prepare a full service which you are free to use, with acknowledgement. She brings a fresh voice and creative voice to her services. Some services use the set Lectionary readings. Gereldine prepares the services well in advance of the day giving lay preachers and congregation worship leaders time to prepare and adapt the services for their own needs. Other services are not based on any particular Lectionary readings and are ideal for those who may lead services in a number of congregations and want to use the same/similar service.
The first of these services are available from the Worship Resources page on our website https://www.warangaunitingchurches.net.au/worship-resources/
The first service “Err on the side of Compassion” uses the Lectionary Readings for 9th September 2018
The second service “Yellowbox” is a beautiful service based around reflections on the Yellow Box eucalyptus tree.
Thanks Gereldine! If there are other creative minds out there with resources to share, please contact me.
Brian Spencer, Minister