The Beauty of Idiosyncrasies In the film “Good Will Hunting,” a poignant scene unfolds where Robin Williams’s character, Sean Maguire, shares a personal story about his late wife with Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon. This conversation becomes a...
I blame myself. I should have stopped it earlier. Nipped it in the bud before it came to this. But it was summer and it didn’t seem to matter. We were free and easy. But now, with overnight temperatures falling to single digits, the clandestine stealing of the...
One of our church members, who I’ll call Jim, has been having a clean out. Not just your run of the mill, “We have too much stuff” type of cleanout, but the one you have when you sell up the family farm and there is 90 years of “This will be useful one-day” and “This...
I’ve just completed seven weeks of being the primary carer for my wife as she recovered from major surgery. It has all been about giving the body time to heal. It’s been a surprisingly easy journey for me although I’ve had to broaden my range of cooking skills....
Happiness happens, but joy abides. If happiness is the weather, then joy is the climate. An easy way to remember the difference is that climate is what you expect and the weather is what you get, and likewise optimism and joy are what we expect and life is what...